Toddler Program
Ages: 2-3
Explore the toddler classroom
Take a look at how we set up our classroom for busy toddlers. It’s organized for their age and stage of learning and development.
Explore the toddler classroom
There’s something special about the toddler classroom: Everything is kid-size! We put books and toys within easy reach of little hands. Instead of waiting for an adult to bring a book over, kids can kick off story time all on their own.
Photos and labels
In our classrooms, photos and visual cues are everywhere. We always hang pictures of our children’s families to help build our sense of community. Labels—especially visual ones—help your toddler navigate the room and the day in a safe and confident way.


Toddler Curriculum
Making art, stacking blocks, reading books—no matter what your toddler loves to do or where they are developmentally, we’ll help them explore their interests (and find new ones!) as they play and learn.
Activities like sorting, counting, and measuring things help budding brains grasp science and math concepts. We build their focus and memory with simple daily routines. Teachers also support physical skills like learning to walk or roll a ball.
At this age, relationships with classmates and teachers begin to form. We use social and emotional skill-building tools like feelings magnets and puppets to help them learn about their own feelings, and notice the feelings of others.
Toddlers build their vocabulary one or two words at a time by pointing to things and expressing needs. They also engage in prewriting and prereading by scribbling on paper and turning pages in books.
Creatively, toddlers express themselves with mediums like clay, and movement and dance to simple children’s songs.
Inside A Toddlers Day
Toddlers are ready to learn how to follow a daily rhythm with their class! At each center, our incredible teachers create a schedule that works for their room. See below for a general example.
It’s so nice to see everyone this morning! As children arrive, they are welcomed by smiling teachers. They can eat breakfast and play quietly while they wait for their friends to arrive. Time: Open-8:45am
The start to our day is when we come together as a group to welcome each other and talk briefly about the day’s planned events. We will also do things like read a book out loud or sing a song! We go over all colors, shapes, number 1-10, alphabet & sounds, Days of the week, and months of the year. Time: 8:45-10am
It’s time to have a quick healthy snack to recharge our bodies. Time: 10am-10:20am
It’s time to go outside! Mostly little ones play on their own, using their imaginations. Outdoor time can also be part of our daily themed activity. Time: 10:30-11am
The classroom comes together to do a group activity! This can be Chapel, Music and Art. 11am-11:30am
Time to wash our hands and get ready to eat lunch! Time: 11:30-12pm
Ssshh … it’s quiet time. Most children will nap, but if they wake up (or if they never quite get to sleep), they can select different quiet activities, such as looking at books or playing with puzzles. Time: 12pm-2pm
They’ll have a nutritious snack like apples and crackers. 2pm-2:20pm
The classroom comes together to do a group activity! This can be Math, Science, Social Studies or Fine Motor Skills. 2:30-3:00pm
The classroom comes together to do a group activity! This can happen either inside or outside the classroom. 3:30-4pm
It’s time for pick-up! After a busy day together, children are given the space and time to explore and play in the activity centers on their own. Time: 4pm-Close
Group time
Group time happens every day in each of our classrooms. For toddlers, it’s their time to come together as a community, talk about the day, and hear a read-aloud
Meals and snacks
Every day, toddlers sit down to a meal with healthy fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. We never serve juice or fried foods!
Outdoor playtime
Our classes spend 20–30 minutes outside at least twice a day, weather permitting. Outdoor playtime is big-time fun for busy toddlers, as they build on their ever-growing physical skills.

Toddler classroom activities
Every day, our creative teachers guide toddlers through fun activities that are just right for their age. Here are just a few examples!
Getting a little messy means learning is happening! Kids use garden tools to dig in soil and explore seeds, plants, and flowers. They also learning what can grow in different seasons.
Kids take toy cars dipped in non-toxic paint and roll them over paper to create different patterns and textures.
Kids create homes and habitats for stuffed animals with blocks. This helps them practice building, problem-solving, and playing pretend.